Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Masculinity in Things Fall Apart

One of the main themes in Things Falls Apart is masculinity and its a topic I fell strongly about that needs to change. It is ridiculous how much the men in this book put themselves above woman like Okonkwo. It isn't normal. You can't beat girls and make them your slaves like Okonkwo makes her wives do everything for him and also his daughters. You can't beat your wife or any woman.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Diana Nyad: Never Ever Give Up

Everyone in my class had to pick one Ted Talk video that was interesting, or inspiring to you and freely write about it. I chose Diana Nyad: Never ever give up, because I felt like being inspired this weekend. At the age of sixty-four she swam from Cuba to Florida knowing the dangerous risks there was such as: sharks, deadly jellyfish, swimming in the dark, and just swimming in the ocean nonstop for fifty three hours. She knew she couldn't do this alone, she had her team of researchers and medical team that were on a boat beside her cheering her on and making sure she was going to make all the way, which she did. She accomplished her dream goal at age sixty-four not knowing if she can do it. Her team attempted it four times not able to finish, until know.

I can't imagine being able to do this at her age, and having the determinate to push through the pain she had to go through. She is a role model to look up too and know that you can do anything you put your mind too no matter what age you are at. Yes this ted talk is very inspiration, but she also made the viewers laugh, I know I did. I thought it was very cool she listened to the same song the entire time. The message I got from this video is you are never to old to follow your dreams and accomplish them.