Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gogol or Nikhil

In the Namesake,"How could you guys name me after someone so strange?"(Lahiri 101), Gogol, I mean Nikhil says. He doesn't understand why he has a pet name in the first place. When his mom says, "It's our way, Gogol"...."It's what Bengalis do"(Lahiri 100). But what is ironic is that his name isn't even Indian it's Russian which doesn't help their parents case at all. I think Gogol or Nikhil whatever he wants to be called is stuck in an identity crisis who lives in this American world. He seems embarrassed of his name. Especially when he went to the college party when he told this girl Kim his name was Nikihil and nervous she wouldn't be accepting. But she was, they talked all night and Nikhil felt so on top of the world that he kissed her. He said, "That Gogol had had nothing to do with it."(Lahiri 96). He feels like he isn't stuck anymore being named Nikhil and his parents are just going to have to accept it.


  1. Hey Adrianna!
    I totally agree with your statement that he is stuck in an identity crisis! He does not like his pet name, Gogol, but when his parents or his childhood friends call him by his new name, Nikhil, he gets defensive and annoyed. Even one of the passages states that he has made a mess by changing his name. He thinks everything good that happens to him is because of his name change but I don't agree with him. He seems to confused on what he has done and what his name change will do for him. I have to say I disagree with your statement that says Gogol isn't stuck anymore. I think Gogol has gotten himself into a stickier mess than he started with.
    I really like how you give me a little tid bit of what's going on in the recent chapters and how you explain your point of view. Great blogpost!

  2. Hi Adri !

    Yes I totally think that your on the right path on Gogol and his name, and the relevance to his Indian heritage. I like how you picked up on how ironic it is and this whole name situation. I agree completely when you say you think that he is going through an identity crisis! Yes he totally is ! What a sad thing for a already confused boy. And again I love how you picked up on how he meets Kim and adds that Gogol had nothing to do with his confidence or anything else that he felt or did that night. I like how you add that his parents just have to accept his name or more importantly who he is. I think that to further make your blogpost even better you should add a killer picture, and give more of what you think. I'm curious on what else you think about Gogol and his rebellion or his name etc. Thanks!! You did awesome!

