Monday, March 10, 2014

The Namesake

I have only read two chapters of The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, and I really enjoy reading it so far. It is interesting to read about the culture and lifestyle she is leaving behind in India. I feel bad for Ashima because she was arranged to marry a guy she didn't really know and move to an unfamiliar city. She is about to give birth, and she shouldn't be alone to give birth to her baby. But her husband is nowhere to be found. She said the only reason why she isn't fully alone is because her baby is keeping her company. Also the only thing that is getting her through the pain is going back in time when she was living in India with her family. Ashima is lost and afraid of being a mother in a city she isn't familiar with and I have sympathy for her.

1 comment:

  1. Hi !

    So I thought that your blog post is going in the right direction! Awesome! I love how you took what you thought was emotionally important, Ashima and how she was missing home, and focused your main points in the blog post about that, great keep it up! I know, I totally get you, when you say that it's terrible she is alone when she needs someone the most in her life. I would hate that, and want to be with my family too instead of my distant husband. Anyway, some thoughts, maybe work on adding in some quotes, just a few, to help to reader see exactly what is going on in the book. Or physical evidence on what you are talking about. And maybe, add some more of what you are thinking, you do add this in your blogpost, but maybe go more into detail with how you feel emotionally towards this point in the story. Anyway, great job!!

