Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Hi my name is Adrianna and this is my blog adriannonomatopoeia. I would have to say my favorite post from summer reading would have to be "Eveline" by James Joyce. I love how the author portrays Eveline as being stuck in a horrible life style and having to deal with her unresponsible, abusive father who doesn't take care of his family after his wife dies. I enjoyed reading about how Eveline remains decisive with her decision if she should escape her life and live with Frank or stay where she has an obligation to her family. It is interesting how she is stuck on what life style to take and she can't decide on her own, she needs someone to choose her own fate. I thought it was very comical when Joyce states "she must escape! Frank would save her. He would give her life, perhaps love, too"pretty much saying she is only going away with Frank to be "saved" and to "escape" from the terrible life she has and using him for what he thinks is love and her bonus is she might eventually fall for him too? It seems she is scared of trying something new and taking a risk and making life decisions which i can definitely relate to and if I were in her shoes I would definitely ask myself should i stay or should i go?

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